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We are Catholic Speakers, Authors, Evangelists, Bloggers, and goofballs for Christ. We love having fun, keeping it natural and relatable around here. With ten years of marriage under our belt and the experience of parenting five crazy kids, we’ve got plenty of stories to share.

Hi, We're the angels

Hello hello!

How is it already August?? Whether you are mourning the “end” of summer or celebrating Back to School season, we pray you are well and experiencing the peace of the Lord.

August is a big month for us. We celebrated our 11-year wedding anniversary!

And we celebrated two years of our “Conversations” podcast! Check out the latest episode with a new friend from Colombia who runs a Theology of the Body channel for Spanish resources.

Bobby was also recently a guest on the to talk about video games and (soon-to-be-saint) Carlos Acutis:

“Gaming and the Heroic Life” is available from Ave Maria Press and is also found on Amazon. An audiobook version is coming SOON and more media projects are on the horizon (shhh….more details to come!)

And, last call for anyone interested in the summer “3 months for the price of 2” mentorship deal with Bobby. You can check out the Mentorship tab of our site to learn more or head over to the CatholicPysch page to book a free consult call and find out more.

As we look ahead to the feast of the Assumption of Mary, let’s leave with some words of Venerable Fulton Sheen, one of our favorite authors:

“If you have never before prayed to Mary, do so now. Can you not see that if Christ himself willed to be physically formed in her for nine months and then be spirutally formed by her for thirty years, it is to her that we must go to learn how to have Christ formed in us? Only she who raised Christ can raise a Christian.”

fresco depicting virgin mary surrounded by angels

~ Jackie & Bobby

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