Happy Advent + Gift Ideas!

Happy Advent + Feast of St. Nicholas, all!
We’ve had a busy season of travel for our ministry. It’s been great to visit so many college campuses and speak for young adult groups, as well as our regular high school and parish audiences. In spite of all the hurt and brokenness in the world, God is still moving and always offering his healing power!
We’ve also wrapped up ten episodes of our ‘Conversations’ podcast, which is available on YouTube, as well as Spotify and Apple Podcasts. We have a great list of guests we have in the queue, so we’ll be taking the remaining weeks of December to record those and rest up a bit for 2023. (2023? Is that really happening?)
Gift Ideas!
If you’re looking for some gift ideas for your family and loved ones, we have a few books out that are great stocking stuffers:
- Pray, Decide, and Don’t Worry! Our book with Ascension that we co-wrote with Fr. Mike Schmitz. Full of saintly wisdom and testimonies for any young person who’s got a major decision before them (college, marriage, career, etc).
- Forever: A Catholic Devotional for Your Marriage. Our first book that we wrote for all couples: engaged, newly married, or married for 30 years. Short chapters meant to be read with your beloved as a daily devotional that takes you through the Catholic understanding of love and marriage.
AND if you’ve enjoyed and been fed by the Bible in a Year podcast, Fr. Mike Schmitz is starting the Catechism in a Year on January 1st! Fr. Mike will read the entire Catechism of the Catholic Church in 365 days so we can all understand better the essentials of the Catholic Faith and why they matter.
You can sign up for the podcast, get the reading plan, or find out more info here!
Last Things
Thank you for your prayerful support of our ministry and efforts! We’re excited for what 2023 will bring and are always striving to do God’s will in balancing our work, prayer, and family life.
If you feel called to financially support our ministry efforts, we have a Patreon account dedicated to the technical costs of the podcast. There is also a one-time donation option on our website, with the link here, if you feel called to give.
May God continue to bless us in this season of Advent as we remember Christ’s first coming and await his return!
“Rejoice in the Lord always. I shall say it again: rejoice!”
Philippians 4:4