Hey hey!
Happy Feast day of Our Lady of Fatima!
(have we mentioned that we’re horrible at updating our website?)
This weekend we are so excited to be presenters at the Theology of the Body Institute’s Revealed Conference, a hybrid in-person and digitally streamed event.
“UGH! Another digital conference??” you might say. And we agree! Everyone is over digital events. There’s nothing like an in-person event or retreat, which is why this weekend is going to be something different. These talks are LIVE and in front of people, not pre-recorded sessions, and it’s going to much more informal conversations instead of lecture-style talks.
Did we mention it’s FREE? Sign up to join us as we discuss, pray, and worship together! We met at the Theology of the Body Institute, and we have a special place in our hearts for St. John Paul II’s beautiful teachings on how the love of man and woman echoes the love God has for us, especially in the revelation of the incarnate Jesus Christ.

ALSO, thank you for following us! We’ve been blessed to have our own lives transformed by Christ and always seek to pass that message of hope and healing forward. We pray that some of our postings, videos, books, etc. have helped you in your faith journey.
We are moving on from employment at Word on Fire and we’re excited about some new ministry opportunities ahead, creative projects, and a summer filled with retreats, conferences and in-person events.
We invite you to pray this specific prayer with us for a special intention:
“Jesus, heal us with peace amid the storms which rock us. Draw us close to you. Heal our wounds so that we can be more dependent on Your love and presence, deep within and around us. We ask You this, through the intercession of St. Therese, who teaches us confidence and trust in Your love.”
[ and we promise we’ll try to update this website more! ]