A number of our friends in ministry have recently written books that address the issue of pornography and specifically how to fight against this force that is so rapidly wounding our generation. Any (or all) of these books would be great to read for your own educational formation or perhaps to recommend to a friend in need:

Freedom: Battle Strategies for Fighting Temptation by Everett Fritz
Geared primarily for men, Everett lays out in simple language the problem of pornography and how to love chastely. This a very practical read and Everett stresses the importance of prayer and the sacraments; this would be a good gift for a youth struggling with porn and who is receptive to learning why the Church teaches what she teaches on chastity and loving rightly.

Cleansed: A Catholic Guide to Freedom from Porn by Marcel LeJeune
This book is an excellent read for anyone working in active ministry and desiring to know the cultural and theological underpinnings of why porn is a problem, and it gives concrete steps to minister to those in need. Marcel lays out “18 Strategies to Stop” (a list worth the price of the book itself) along with suggestions on how to organize a chastity group, and how to protect your family from the threat of porn.

Restored: Ten Stories of Love and Trust After Porn by Matt and Cameron Fradd
Matt Fradd has focused his apostolate on traveling the globe and speaking out against the dangers of porn and he runs the fantastic website The Porn Effect and assembled several excellent testimonies for his earlier book Delivered. This new book, Restored, is a hard punch in the gut for all couples who have felt the pain of a spouse addicted to porn. These stories are difficult to read but also provide the necessary hope that any wife or husband who has wrestled with porn may need to hear.
While the world grows darker and and the prevalence of pornography seems to engulfing so much of our youth, the light of Christ is shining brighter than ever before through the witness of brave men and women speaking out against this poison. As the bad gets worse, the good must become greater. We are called not to despair but to hope—no sin is ever too great for the supreme mercy of God.
Chastity is a life-long process and no one book or video can transform our desires or protect us from sinning ever again. But at least these brave authors are stirring the up the conversation and putting out resources to fight this new threat.
You are not alone. Give these books a read and know your dignity, know your worth, and know that you are loved by God our Father and no sin can ever take that love away.