Oh man. Here comes 2020.
First of all, we are awful when it comes to updating this website. Apologies if you check in often, hoping to find new content. Most of our energies go to our family, our day jobs and ministries, and Ascension videos. Any leftover energy goes to planning the all-too-rare date night.
We’re a media team of 2 people and in a world that demands that we “brand” ourselves for the sake of whatever business, hustle, or popularity contest might be at stake, we’re simply not a brand. We’re a married couple. With children to manage. God gets our first energies, then each other and our families, and the spillover goes to our ministries. So remember who you are as a beloved child of the Father and leave behind all anxiety and fear. Leave behind this past year and turn away from any unhealthy habits, relationships, or sins. God wants our freedom and for freedom Christ has set us free (Gal 5:1).
Speaking of, it was a busy 2019. We did a whole series on understanding the Catholic Church’s teaching regarding contraception and Natural Family Planning. We’ve kept up with our weekly video ministry with Ascension Presents on YouTube and will keep that going into 2020.
We spent a week of the summer in Kansas with our friends Sarah Swafford and family. Sarah runs an amazing apostolate that focuses on emotional virtue and empowering young people to walk in the faith. Her husband, Dr. Andrew Swafford, is a professor at Benedictine College and recently was featured in the high quality Romans study program through Ascension Press.
We also wrote a book! Pray, Decide, and Don’t Worry: 5 Steps to Discerning God’s Will came out this past October. Born out of our own discernment processes and years of waiting on the Lord, this book was written especially for young people (college students, high schoolers, and beyond) struggling to know what road to take in life. It includes testimonies from each of us along with Fr. Mike Schmitz!

We’ll be kicking off 2020 with a bang as we pilgrimage with Jeff Cavins to the Holy Land. As we walk through the Biblical sites, we’ll keep you all in prayer and ask for your prayers as well that it might be a time of renewal and deepening faith.
Lastly, 2020 has other blessings in store as we anticipate the arrival of Baby Angel #4, due around May. Please pray for continued safe formation in the womb and delivery of our newest addition to the band.
Blessings on you all this Christmas season! Let’s fix our eyes on the goodness of the Lord and give him all glory and praise to start this New Year!
-Jackie & Bobby