We’ve been blessed by the Lord to travel to many lands, domestic and international, to preach the Gospel and see what great things God is doing in and through young people around the world. We recently just returned from the Set Free youth conference held by the Diocese of Hamilition, New Zealand, and this was quite the adventure.
We arrived a week before the conference so we’d have time to explore the northern island (didn’t get around to the southern, but that gives us one reason, among many, to return). We spent two days in Auckland and celebrated Easter Sunday in their downtown cathedral. Then we travelled south. We surfed the famous lefthand break of Raglan, walked barefoot through Hobbiton, and visited an underground cave where glowworms dwell. We had too many “Flat Whites”— what seems to be the official espresso drink of NZ—to count and got to hang out with several of the awesome young adults and seminarians of the diocese.
We who have encountered the love of Jesus Christ know the importance that one retreat can make in the life of a young person, and Set Free definitely is that encounter for some of the teens of New Zealand. There were times for talks, breakout sessions, recreation, music, and of course experincing Christ in the Mass and in Adoration. It’s profound that in every part of the world—from California to Scotland to Italy to Kenya to New Zealand—the Catholic Mass is the same, and it is the same Jesus Christ who is working in His Church around the world to bring us to new life and fulfill the desires of our restless hearts.
Many thanks to the young adults who brought us out and worked tirelessly behind the scenes to bring Christ to the youth of New Zealand. You all will be in our prayers and we hope to see you again!
-Jackie & Bobby

Hope to see you again, New Zealand!